Are Ice-Melt Products Really Safe for Pets?

You’ll find many ice melt products on store shelves claiming to be “pet-friendly” or “pet safe.” In reality, any deicer that contains chlorides is not completely safe for pets. There are alternatives to deicers that do not contain chloride, but they are ineffective at melting snow and ice.
If the priority is to keep ourselves safe from slipping and falling on icy walkways while keeping our pets safe too, it makes sense to 1) choose the most effective deicer for melting ice and 2) be prepared to take some basic precautions to keep pets safe.
Fortunately, the odds of pets being seriously injured by contact with chlorides is low, and suggested precautions are easy to take. The important takeaway is that, despite claims to the contrary, it’s up to you to keep your pet safe from exposure to any deicer, rather than trusting manufacturer claims of pet friendliness.
First Step: Read the Label
Before purchasing a deicer, read the ingredients. In some cases, you may need to do some detective work and search online for a list, since manufacturers are not required to provide an ingredient list. If the word ‘chloride’ is included in the ingredient list, you’ll know to take precautions with pets coming into contact with the product—no matter what the label may claim about pet friendliness. If the word chloride isn’t on the ingredient list, the product may be pet-safe, but is unlikely to effectively melt ice and snow. Products containing urea (carbonyl diamide) are more expensive, perform poorly at temperatures under 25ºF and, while frequently labeled as safe for pets, can still irritate a dog’s stomach, although to a lesser extent than products containing chloride. While using sand or kitty litter can provide some traction on slippery surfaces, neither product will melt ice.
According to the Pet Poison Helpline, all types of ice melt products have a potential to be hazardous. The organization states that, in general, most deicer exposures are limited to gastrointestinal upset and local dermal irritation—but there is a potential for more serious, life-threatening side effects if a large quantity of the product is ingested.
A deicer’s active ingredients will determine how well it performs. Calcium chloride deicers outperform all others, as we’ll discuss later in this article.
Understanding the Impacts of Chloride-Based Deicers on Pets
The ingestion of any chloride-based deicers can cause varying degrees of symptoms and health issues, and prolonged paw pad exposure to a chloride-based deicer can cause chemical burns.
An ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) article states:
The good news is that a couple of licks of a paw or treated ground will not cause serious problems. The primary concern will be possible self-limiting drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea.
The more concerning situation is when the ice melt bag is left in a spot where a pet has easy access and can eat a larger amount. Larger ingestions of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and/or magnesium chloride can lead to more significant vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration, and electrolyte abnormalities. Ingesting large amounts of calcium chloride may lead to ulcerations in a pet’s mouth and stomach, which can be painful, causing pets not to want to eat or drink.
The most important thing a dog owner can do is to be sure that any deicer product is kept out of reach of pets (and children as well).
How to Keep Pets—and People—Safe This Winter
Homeowners, municipalities, and businesses that want to keep people safe from ice-related accidents typically choose chloride-based deicers because they are highly effective at melting ice and snow. To protect your pet, the ASPCA suggests having your dog wear paw booties as a barrier between paws and deicers as well as other natural elements; wiping their paws with paw wax (note that if your pet licks the wax, they may experience some gastrointestinal upset); and wiping the dog’s feet with a damp cloth after coming inside. Regardless of ingredients, keep all deicers out of reach of pets and children.
Why to Choose Calcium Chloride Deicers
When deciding between chloride-based deicers, opt for the one that maximizes effectiveness while minimizing the amount of product needed to do the job (thus limiting your pet’s exposure to chlorides). PELADOW® Calcium Chloride Pellets from OxyChem provide superior low-temperature performance and faster melting speeds than other deicers. PELADOW delivers 2x more ice melting capability than rock salt, 3x more than magnesium chloride, 3x more than urea (aka carbonyl diamide), and 7x more than potassium chloride. In 30 minutes, 28 lbs of calcium chloride can melt 1,000 sq ft of ice, which would require 50 lbs of magnesium chloride—allowing you to introduce less chlorides into the environment. With PELADOW you can clear walkways more quickly while exposing your pet to less chlorides.
Despite numerous claims to the contrary, no deicer should be labeled or considered “safe for pets”. Care should be taken around deicers labeled “pet friendly.” Choosing PELADOW calcium chloride can allow you to achieve your goal of providing safe and clear walkways while introducing less chlorides into the environment. By taking some simple precautions, you can keep your pets safe, and your walkways clear this winter.
Ice Melt Toxicity in Pets | ASPCApro
Ice Melts Safe For Dogs | Pet Poison Helpline®
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