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About OxyChem

OxyChem is a leading producer of life-enhancing chemistry with facilities in the United States, Canada and Latin America. Headquartered in Dallas, OxyChem is a subsidiary of Oxy, an international energy company. OxyChem has a top-tier position both domestically and globally for the principal products that it manufactures and markets.

OxyChem Calcium Chloride - Ludington, Michigan
OxyChem Calcium Chloride - Ludington, Michigan

About Calcium Chloride

OxyChem is the world’s largest producer of calcium chloride. OxyChem calcium chloride products are proudly made in the USA. Our production facility in Ludington, Michigan utilizes the abundant supply of naturally occurring brine to produce liquid and solid calcium chloride products.

Calcium chloride is used to control snow and ice on sidewalks, parking lots and roads; to suppress dust on unpaved surfaces; and for road stabilization. It has innovative applications in oil field operations, industrial processing, water treatment, refrigeration systems and tire weighting. Calcium chloride is also a key component in many food processing applications.

OxyChem is committed to the successful and responsible use of its calcium chloride products, providing Safety Data Sheets (SDS), product, application, and other detailed information to assist you. We also support our distributors to provide expertise and assistance to those who purchase and use our products.
